Background 1Background 2Background 3
Bikerguard logo
Clout art logo
Birdbuddy logo
Cybergrid logo
Division productions
Generali logo
Landezine logo
Lipica logo
Poliglotini logo
Ministry of culture logo
Mladinska knjiga logo
Mueseum of new art logo
Museum and galeries of Ljubljana logo
News crypto logo
Niftify logo
Pareto solutions logo
Park skocjanske jame logo
Potentially logo
Recoverix logo
Rtv Slovenija logo
Ruby logo
Siteaware logo
Sorted wallet logo
Surs logo
Tehniski muzej Slovenije logo
United slavic actors logo
Wicked saints logo
Zidar Klemencic logo
Bikerguard logo
Clout art logo
Birdbuddy logo
Cybergrid logo
Division productions
Generali logo
Landezine logo
Lipica logo
Poliglotini logo
Ministry of culture logo
Mladinska knjiga logo
Mueseum of new art logo
Museum and galeries of Ljubljana logo
News crypto logo
Niftify logo
Pareto solutions logo
Park skocjanske jame logo
Potentially logo
Recoverix logo
Rtv Slovenija logo
Ruby logo
Siteaware logo
Sorted wallet logo
Surs logo
Tehniski muzej Slovenije logo
United slavic actors logo
Wicked saints logo
Zidar Klemencic logo
Footer logo
Our Work

Scalable software solutions

Proxima accelerates innovative concepts through top-notch, adaptable design and development services.

Hire Developers

Empower Your Team with Our Expert Developers

Unlock the potential of your projects by partnering with our skilled developers. At Proxima, we go beyond traditional services, offering you the unique opportunity to integrate our talented developers directly into your team.

Blue checkmark Skilled Expertise
Blue checkmark Adaptable Collaboration
Blue checkmark Efficient Integration
Developers working on code
Our services

User Experience (UX) Design

Encompasses research and design processes aimed at improving user satisfaction by enhancing usability, accessibility, and interaction with the application.

User Interface (UI) Design

Focuses on designing and implementing the visual elements of an application, including buttons, forms, navigation menus, and overall layout to enhance user experience.

Animation and Interaction Design

Focuses on adding animations and interactive elements to enhance user engagement and provide feedback during interactions, often utilizing CSS animations or JavaScript libraries.

Framework-Specific Development

Involves using specific frameworks or libraries like React, Angular, Vue.js, or Svelte to streamline development processes and enhance functionality.

Static Frontend Development

Involves creating dynamic web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Our focus is using the Astro framework which is most suitable for dynamic pages. These pages can change dynamically and are suitable for websites with more complex functionality.

Dynamic Frontend Development

Focuses on building dynamic web applications that can update content in real-time based on user interactions or data changes. This often involves using frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update content as the user interacts with the app. Frameworks like React and Angular are commonly used to develop SPAs, providing a smooth user experience without full page reloads.

Responsive Web Design

Ensures that web applications are accessible and usable across various devices and screen sizes. This involves using flexible layouts, images, and CSS media queries to adapt the design to different environments.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Combines the best features of web and mobile apps, allowing users to install the app on their devices while still being accessed via a web browser. PWAs work offline and provide a native app-like experience.

Integration with Backend Services

Involves connecting the frontend with backend services through APIs to fetch data dynamically, enabling features like user authentication, data retrieval, and updates.

Trusted by top-tier teams worldwide

Rtv Slovenija logo
Ministry of culture logo
Surs logo
Mladinska knjiga logo
Generali logo
Mueseum of new art logo
Lipica logo
Poliglotini logo
Bikerguard logo
Clout art logo
Cybergrid logo
Museum and galeries of Ljubljana logo
News crypto logo
Niftify logo
Pareto solutions logo
Park skocjanske jame logo
Potentially logo
Recoverix logo
Division productions
Ruby logo
Siteaware logo
Sorted wallet logo
Landezine logo
Tehniski muzej Slovenije logo
Bikerguard logo
Wicked saints logo
Zidar Klemencic logo
Bikerguard logo