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Intuitive Employability Platform for Students is an innovative online platform designed to promote personal development and employability for students. It helps them acquire skills sought after by employers and track their progress throughout their studies. The platform combines various resources such as online courses, events, and volunteering opportunities, offering scientifically-based personality assessments for a better understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement.

Areas of focus:

Front-End Development

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Modern students face the challenge of acquiring and recognizing the skills essential for success in the job market.

The lack of a unified system for tracking personal development and employability makes career preparation more difficult.

Universities and higher education institutions need effective solutions to support students in developing employer-valued competencies and increasing their confidence as they transition into the job market.

The Solution offers a comprehensive solution for skill development and career readiness. Using data-driven learning prompts, the platform guides students in developing graduate attributes. It enables them to discover opportunities on campus and online, such as training, events, and volunteering. A precise scientific personality indicator helps students gain deeper insights into their strengths and growth areas, contributing to better job market preparedness.
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What we accomplished:

The goal of is to enable universities to make skill development more personalized and equitable for all students, regardless of their background, program of study, or mode of learning.

We aim to have students actively engage in their skill development process from day one, track their progress, and gain confidence in articulating their competencies, helping them transition successfully into the job market.

Results: has already helped numerous universities increase student engagement in skill development. For instance, Loughborough University achieved over 90% participation of new students in employability improvement activities through the "Personal Best" program. This success allows career services to focus on students who need additional support, providing tailored workshops and guidance.



The interactive online classroom designed for universities offers a comprehensive system for managing tasks, quizzes, events, and learning materials. All functionalities are integrated into an intuitive and user-friendly interface, enabling easy tracking and management of personal progress. The solution is developed using Angular 10, with advanced technologies like ChartJS for data visualization and enhanced user experience.

  • bootstrap
  • chartjs
  • angular
  • github
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