
Virtual World Conquest Game on Blockchain

Pixelot is a trading and world-conquest game hosted on the Ethereum blockchain. In the game, players buy, trade, stake, and conquer Pixeland NFTs while earning $PIXE reward tokens. The goal is to achieve the status of a country president by collecting enough $PIXE energy and bribing the Pixelot Overlord. The game combines NFT technology with a dynamic virtual world conquest experience and community-driven game development.

Areas of focus:


UI/UX Design

Front-End Development

Back-End Development

Smart Contract Development

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The challenge was to develop a game that combines the concept of conquering virtual nations using NFTs and blockchain technology.

We needed to enable users to buy, trade, and stake Pixeland NFTs to earn $PIXE reward tokens and participate in a game that allows democratic leadership and community involvement in game development decisions.

The Solution We created the Pixelot platform, where players can buy, trade, stake, and conquer Pixeland NFTs. By staking NFTs in continental energy grids, players earn $PIXE reward tokens. With enough $PIXE tokens, players can bribe the Pixelot Overlord to become presidents of nations. The entire system is built on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring permanent ownership records and trading history.
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What we accomplished:

Our goal was to develop a game that combines a fun virtual conquest experience with the potential for real rewards and community collaboration.

We aimed to create a platform where players are not just passive participants but can influence the game’s development and future through blockchain technology and NFTs.


Pixelot provided players with a unique experience of conquering a virtual world using Pixeland NFTs and $PIXE reward tokens. Users can become presidents of nations, granting them additional perks and power within the game. By integrating community involvement and transparent blockchain-based management, the platform gained popularity among players seeking innovative games with real rewards.


The mobile application was developed using Unity for an immersive augmented reality (AR) experience. The backend system is designed with Node.js and Angular for easy management of stories and functionalities. The game uses the Ethereum blockchain to ensure secure and transparent ownership of NFTs and $PIXE reward tokens. The system is based on the Serverless Framework running on AWS Lambda for high scalability and reliability.

  • serverless
  • unity
  • aws
  • npm
  • node
  • angular
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