
One App for All Cultural Experiences

Nexto is an innovative application that enriches visits to cultural and historical landmarks with interactive AR storytelling. The app offers users a location-based experience where they can explore more than 40 natural and cultural destinations across Slovenia. Nexto combines cultural tourism into a unified, intuitive experience, transforming travel and historical exploration into an engaging and educational adventure.

Areas of focus:


UI/UX Design

Front-End Development

Back-End Development

Mobile App Development



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Cultural and historical landmarks often need modern ways to attract visitors and increase engagement.

Traditional guides and static information do not provide visitors with an interactive or personalized experience.

The challenge was to develop a unified platform that connects various cultural destinations, enhances their presentation, and offers a rich augmented reality (AR) experience for both local and international visitors.

The Solution Nexto enables cultural destinations to showcase their history through location-based AR storytelling. With interactive elements, the app guides users through landmarks by combining real locations with digital content. The result is a dynamic, tailored experience that serves as a mobile tourist companion. The app consolidates information on over 40 cultural and natural landmarks, ensuring visitors do not miss must-see attractions.
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What we accomplished:

Our goal was to develop an app that enhances cultural tourism and creates a more interactive and engaging experience for visitors.

We aimed to combine AR technology with rich digital content to make cultural heritage more accessible and appealing to different generations of users.

Nexto is designed to function as a mobile guide, helping visitors explore Slovenia while increasing the visibility of cultural locations.


With the Nexto app, we provided a unified digital presentation of cultural and natural landmarks in Slovenia. Users gained an interactive experience that combines historical information with AR technology. The app increased visitor engagement and enabled destinations to present their offerings in a modern and appealing way. With over 40 included locations, Nexto has become an indispensable tourism tool for exploring Slovenia.



For the development of the Nexto solution, we used the MEAN stack – MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js – to create a fast, robust, and durable backend infrastructure and web application. For mobile app development, we selected the Ionic framework, enabling unified development for both iOS and Android platforms. This ensured an excellent user experience and high responsiveness. The integration of AR technology allows for advanced location-based storytelling, enriching tourist experiences.

  • arkit
  • mongo
  • node
  • angular
  • arstudio
  • express
  • vuforia
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