
World Creator in Augmented Reality

AR.fx is a mobile application for creating worlds in augmented reality (AR). It allows users to assemble unique AR worlds using 3D elements and gaming characters. Every day, they can discover new 3D elements at various locations and use them to build their AR scenes. With AR.fx, you can create your world anywhere and share it with friends via social networks.

Areas of focus:

Mobile Game Development

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Playstation Console icon
Playstation joystick icon



The development of the AR.fx application brought several challenges.

These included missing and broken links for the web application and malfunctioning links for Chrome and the mobile application.

Additionally, we needed to design a system that ensures a smooth user experience when searching for and collecting AR elements, as well as integration with social networks for easy sharing of created scenes.

The Solution AR.fx gamifies the creation of content in augmented reality. Users can explore their surroundings and discover rare 3D models in treasure orbs scattered across the AR world. Additionally, they can participate in treasure hunts to acquire unique 3D models and AR coins, which can be used to purchase additional elements for their scenes. Built scenes can be shared via popular social networks like Instagram and TikTok.
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What we accomplished:

Our goal was to create an application that enables users to express their creativity using augmented reality.

We aimed to develop a tool that encourages exploration, collection, and sharing of unique AR worlds.

In doing so, we sought to increase interactivity, attract AR technology enthusiasts, and create a platform for a creative community that enjoys sharing their imaginative scenes.


AR.fx has made it easy to create augmented reality worlds using 3D elements. Users enjoy dynamic treasure hunts, collecting rare 3D models, and building unique AR scenes. Integration with social networks has encouraged content sharing and increased the application's visibility. This successfully combined AR technology with gamification to create a platform for creative expression.



In developing the AR.fx application, we used Unity to create a dynamic and interactive AR environment on mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems. Data is collected and processed using Node.js on the backend system. The application uses geo-location services to search for and collect 3D models at various locations and enables sharing of scenes via social networks like Instagram and TikTok. A static web application provides basic information and tracks the project's progress.

  • arkit
  • arcore
  • angular
  • blender
  • unity
  • mapbox
  • aws
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