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Strategic MVP Solutions

From Workshop to Market:

Adaptable Teams Excelling Through Every Project Phase

Transforming Ideas Into Market-Ready Solutions

Refine, Launch, Optimize

At Proxima, we understand that a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is not just about building software; it’s about turning visionary ideas into tangible products that resonate with users.

Our approach goes beyond merely demonstrating technical feasibility; we aim to launch functional products that early users can engage with, providing valuable feedback to refine and evolve the offering. This process helps gauge market interest and readiness without risking the loyalty of your core customers.

How we do it

01 Discovery and MVP Planning (2 weeks - 1 month)


Business Analysis

Generate product ideas, conduct target market and competitor research, create product concepts, and plan monetization strategies.

KPI Dashboard

Set up and review a sample KPI set specific for MVPs.

Enterprise Software Considerations

Identify business needs, interview stakeholders, conceptualize software ideas, and map out features prioritizing MVP functionality.

MVP Architecture Design

Focus on performance requirements and information security

Planning MVP Integrations

Integrate with third-party systems as required.

Technology Stack Selection

Choose technologies that balance development time, costs, efforts, and future scalability.

02 Proof-of-Concept and Rapid Prototyping (optional)


03 MVP Development Project Planning


04 MVP Development


05 MVP Launch and Further Iterations


Why Choose Proxima for Your MVP Development?

Choosing Proxima means partnering with a team that is invested in creating not just a product, but a dynamic product experience tailored to your needs. Our commitment to teamwork and strategic team composition means we place the right people with the right skills on your project, ensuring a seamless and successful journey from concept to market.

Trusted by top-tier teams worldwide

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